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Podcast: Startups and Patent Portfolio Building - IP Counsel Cafe
When do startups and younger companies need to start building their patent portfolios? When do you transition from trade secret to patent? Will a patent portfolio help you secure funding? What are investors looking for? How can a startup continue portfolio building during an economic downturn?
“Building a High Value Patent Portfolio: Where Strength Meets Quality.” Quinn et. al. IPWatchdog Webinar (March 2018)
Join Gene Quinn, patent attorney and founder of and Erik Reeves, Founder of AcclaimIP and CTO of Anaqua, and Kent Richardson for a free webinar discussion on building a portfolio versus buying patents, identifying gaps in your patent coverage, and unlocking the secrets of your own patent portfolio to identify needs.
“Patent Quality Isn't the Question. Patent Value Is the Question.” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (August 2017)
Why is patent value a better metric to use to set patent strategy? What sources of patent value can be identified for high technology companies? We review how patents are used and how they can be valued based upon their use.
“How and Why LinkedIn Learned to Love Patents.” Harrington et. al. IAM Magazine Issue 82 (March 2017)
LinkedIn was a big brand name with a small patent portfolio – a combination that made it vulnerable to a patent attack. In 2012 the LinkedIn decided to do something about it.