Patent Monetization
Patent monetization is more than just building a portfolio and licensing your patents. It’s about understanding how to identify high value patent assets, and then decide how to make those patents work for your company’s bottom line. Our proprietary VIP process allows us to efficiently and effectively identify the assets in your portfolio that are likely to be most important to your monetization plans. With our process, we take the ‘art’ of patent valuation and turn it into a ‘science’ so your patent sales and licensing models are supported and you target the allocation of your budget to build a more powerful portfolio.
Patent monetization is a business decision—you need to understand the different models available to you, and the risks and rewards associated with each option. We have the experience to walk you through a variety of monetization models and then help you select the best fit with your industry and corporate culture. Our data-driven VIP approach to monetization allows you to empirically evaluate your options and make informed choices about how to best leverage your portfolio.
From sales to licensing, litigation to serving as expert witnesses, our clients trust us to know the ropes, get creative and get results.