Patent Brokers

We spend our time helping clients identify the right balance of patent assets for a competitive portfolio.

When it comes to buying or selling a patent, we believe that the right connections make a difference. We offer the most complete list of known patent brokers, along with some larger patent sellers. We hope you find this helpful, and we welcome additions or updates at This listing was last updated May 15, 2024.

ROL Group works with many brokers and regularly helps clients to select brokers when selling patents. We also track packages of patent assets on the brokered patent market in a proprietary database to assist clients in buying patents from brokers.

We are only listing these companies as a service to the general public. We do not endorse any of them. Any choice you make of a broker is your responsibility.

IAM Market Brokers

IAM Market is an online listing platform for patents where top sellers and brokers promote their sales programs and patent listings. Contact us to learn more about how some of the top brokers and sellers get value from the IAM Market platform.

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