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“How the Threat of Unsold Rights, the Rise of the In-House Dealmaker and a Revolution in Analytics Are Re-Shaping the IP Deals Market.” Lloyd. IAM Media (December 2019)
The current issue of IAM carries the latest annual survey on the brokered patent deals market from the team at Richardson Oliver Insights.
The 2019 Brokered Patent Market Report is Now Available
Since average price per patent was the “worst thing that has ever happened to patents”, we are pleased to introduce the new worst thing ever.
"U.S. Patent Sales by Universities and Research Institutes.” Love et al. Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (August 2019)
In addition to licensing or litigating patent rights, universities have the option to sell their patents outright to third parties. In this chapter, we explore the extent to which universities and other nonprofit research institutes currently participate in the secondary market for patents.
“AT&T's Portfolio is a Treasure Trove for Buyers.” Diakun. IAM Market (February 2019)
IAM recently covered AT&T's increased activity in the secondary patent market, with Lyft, Uber and Facebook among the companies that have purchased its assets. The telecoms giant has a significant portfolio - in terms of volume and quality - which has attracted a number of businesses looking to bolster their own holdings.
“Brokered Patents Are Not Junk—and the Reasons Will Surprise You.” Ågren et. al. IPWatchdog (January 2019)
Occasionally, we hear people say, “brokered patents are all junk.” This begs the question, “are operating companies and non-practicing entities (NPEs) spending hundreds of millions of dollars buying junk patents?” Luckily, the short answer is no.
“Advanced Patent Licensing 2018.” Practising Law Institute (September 2018)
In the current legal environment, with patent litigation on the decline (especially in the U.S.), patent licensing (and related transactions) are heating up.
“Google Makes First Sale in U.S. Brokered Patent Market.” Nayak. Bloomberg Law (August 2018)
Alphabet Inc.'s Google has sold patents for the first time in the domestic brokered patent market, according to data provided to Bloomberg Law by Richardson Oliver Law Group LLP.
“Finding a Role for Insurance in a Technology-Driven Economy.” Freestone. InsuranceERM (July 2018)
Tim Freestone explores why the growth in intellectual property and patent risks has not been matched by a corresponding growth in insurance.
Richardson and Oliver as World Leading IP Strategists - 10 Years at the Top
For ten years, IAM Magazine has selected the top 300 IP strategists in the world. Kent Richardson and Erik Oliver are honored to be included for their tenth and ninth years respectively
Heads Up! 33% of Intellectual Ventures’ Patent Portfolio is Gone (And Not All to Places You’d Hoped)
We analyze Intellectual Ventures' patent portfolio. 33% of IV's assets from their January 2016 public list are gone today. 26% of US issued patents have expired. 10% of IV's issued US patents have sold, 96% went to NPEs, and the rate of sales is accelerating.
“So, China - Buyers Sellers Litigation.” Richardson et. al. LOT Network Bridge (May 2018)
BRIDGE provides an exclusive opportunity for member companies from across the globe — industry leaders and innovative startups — to share ideas, learn from IP experts and build stronger networks that provide value to our member companies.
“SAS: When the Patent Office Institutes IPR It Must Decide Patentability of All Challenged Claims.” Quinn et. al. IPWatchdog (April 2018)
Yesterday the United States Supreme Court issued decisions in both Oil States v. Green Energy and SAS Institute v. Iancu. In Oil States the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of inter partes review (see here, here and here). In SAS Institute, a 5-4 majority ruled that there is no authorization in the statute for the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) to partially institute a petition for inter partes review. Thus, the Supreme Court held that when the Patent Office institutes an inter partes review it must decide the patentability of all of the claims the petitioner has challenged.
“Industry Reaction to Supreme Court Decision in Oil State v. Green Energy.” Quinn et. al. IPWatchdog (April 2018)
Earlier today the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Oil States v. Green Energy, finding that inter partes review is constitutional both under Article III and the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution. In a 7-2 decision, the Court determined that patents are a government franchise that are subject to review by the Patent Office even after granting, and can be revoked at any time.
“Secondary Patent Market: Buyers, Sellers, Pricing, and Trends.” Oliver. Bucks County Bar Association (April 2018)
A presentation on the secondary market for patents, buying, selling, pricing, what lawyers need to know to establish a program, and what are the chances of winning with bought patents.
“So, What's the Value of Your Patent Strategy? Getting From Assumptions to Numbers.” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (April 2018)
10,000+ patents, spending $10M’s per year, cross-licenses, and license potential with dozens of companies, what’s the value of the portfolio to the business? Is your patent strategy valuable to your company? How? OK, tag you are it, what is the answer? The problem seems intractable.
Richardson Oliver Insights Launches Suite of Patent Market Data and Analytics Solutions
“Like what Zillow did for the real estate market” – Data on $12B in deals covering 120,000 patents for sale across nearly 5,000 deals
“What Will TV Cost You? Putting a Price on HEVC Licenses.” Oliver et. al. IAM Magazine Issue 89 (March 2018)
Changes in how you watch movies, stream TV and use video chat are on the way. These will fundamentally affect the economics of how content is delivered to you, as well as the way that the patents underpinning the enabling technology are licensed.
“Building a High Value Patent Portfolio: Where Strength Meets Quality.” Quinn et. al. IPWatchdog Webinar (March 2018)
Join Gene Quinn, patent attorney and founder of IPWatchdog.com and Erik Reeves, Founder of AcclaimIP and CTO of Anaqua, and Kent Richardson for a free webinar discussion on building a portfolio versus buying patents, identifying gaps in your patent coverage, and unlocking the secrets of your own patent portfolio to identify needs.
“Impact of IP Law Changes on Licensing Business & Practices.” LES IP100 Executive Forum 2018 (February 2018)
This panel will take a pragmatic look at how the law changes affecting IP owners' rights have shifted the balance of power in negotiating IP-centric deals and have encouraged more radical behavior of the parties involved.
“Start-up Stock Ownership: How to Contribute IP for Equity with Insights and War Stories - Panel Discussion.” AIPLA MWI 2018 (January 2018)
StartCo an exciting new company has successfully brought in investors, brought in IP, and built and great new business. The IP contribution was critical to their success. We’ll look at how the IP was successfully contributed, the impact on the capitalization, the key agreements and clauses, and the business motivation and implication of decisions StartCo had to make.